Friday, March 13, 2009

12MAR2009: Little PT test action, eh?

Here's how my day went...

Slept in until 12:00 -- No, I'm not lazy. I'm officially working the night shift.

Called my best friend, Corey, who resides in South Dakota to thank her for the incredible package she sent for my birthday, which included:

  • 1) A massager ;-)
  • 2) A pink satin case for the massager
  • 3) Batteries
  • 4) Burt's Bees chapstick
  • 5) Non-Microwavable wax (so I don't grow a unibrow or mob-stache) with applicators
  • 6) Extra razor blades (So I don't grow Yetti leg hair... TMI? Too bad.)
  • 7) Facial mask
  • 8) Hair clarifying treatment
  • 9) Hair moisturizing treatments
  • 10) French manicure kit
  • 11) Nice nail filer
  • 12) Pedicure kit
  • 13) Jellybeans
  • 14) M&M chocolate easter eggs
  • 15) Very sweet card.
  • 16) The new COSMO!!
I know there was probably other things in this shoebox of love. I'm so corny... I cried. I guess when you are far away from the familiar (and have to spend your B-day there) just knowing that someone took the time to look out for you and individually wrap a million things they know you would love and appreciate can send almost anyone over the edge. Thanks Corey... and Ben... You guys are absolutely fabulous.

... So anyway, it's now 13:50 and I get a phone call from SFC Kemp.

"Ready for your PT test?" Meh..Kinda.

"Yeah!" I exclaim, faking my enthusiasm but honestly just ready to face the consequences of half-assing my health since my last test... 14 months ago.

Ended up maxing my push-ups, doing significantly worse in my sit-ups than I ever have and just barely passing my run.

I walked it off with shame. The minimum? I'm not a minimum kind of person. I try to be the best at everything I do. I'm not a minimum kind of Soldier. How could I get a minimum run time?

My disappointment quickly evaporated when I stepped on the scale and saw that it was 6 pounds less than the last time I stepped on the scale...

(Maybe I've been reading too much Cosmo when the fact that I weigh less outweighs the sadness that comes with worsened cardiovascular fitness...)

On second thought, it's that kind of thinking that will make me forever unhappy with myself. One must learn to count her blessings.

I passed! And will soon be Specialist Cassinos...

Here is an AAR of my overall PT Test --

  • Made good use of short notice. I only knew a week in advance I would have to take a PT test and decided that failure was not an option.
  • Picked motivating people to be my graders - one being a female. These were higher-ranking people I respected and did not feel threatened by. They rooted me on but challenged me to push harder.
  • Amped up my cardio the week before to build my endurance up.


  • Did not hydrate enough the day or couple days before the test.
  • Restricted carbohydrates the week prior to the test due to diet. Should have amped up the carbs a couple days before to have more energy during the run.
  • Did not take the time to plot out an exact route or give myself a trial run.
  • Took the test during week where I was adjusting my sleep schedule and neglected to wake up and eat breakfast -- my test was at 14:00!

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